
Tale as Old as Time
(the back story)

I've fallen in love. Shhhh. Don't tell anyone. He doesn't know- yet.

Perhaps the world is as cynical as some would have me believe. I'd love to prove them wrong, just this once. Sometimes a magical moment does happen, sometimes people care, sometimes...maybe if it's only just once in your entire lifetime the object of your desire does say "I love you too."

I've been friends with this boy, let's call him "James", for the past few years. He's witty, brilliant, humble, caring, and wonderful. just wonderful. So wonderful I feel like there is no way he could ever see me as anything more than just a friend. I'm sure most of you have been there at some point. I'm hoping there are a few kind-hearted sympathizers out there who could help me on my quest/small social experiment...

On the first week August I am going to tell "James" that I love him. Through a book. Made by those who decide to participate in the "Nothing But Beautiful" blog. I will meet him either in London or Pittsburgh (big difference I know). When we are together I'll present him with a book with the same name. Inside I'll fill as many pages as possible with things everyone has shared with me through this project. Since I cannot afford what, diamond cuff links?, I'm hoping this will suffice. At the very end of the book will be a page with a picture of us together and those three little words.
Now if this doesn't set off your gag reflex (sorry. I didn't ask you to read this blog did I?) I hope you'll share something beautiful from your life. It can be anything, anything at all as long as it fits the following criteria:

What You Can Send:
Nothing of any material value (I do not want your favorite piece of jewelery).
Nothing Vulgar. Trust me, I've seen enough. Anything sent in poor taste will be ignored and promptly trashed.

A few examples:
  • Postcards
  • Letters
  • A memory
  • Poems/ Quotes
  • Photographs
  • Artwork
  • Anything which could be reasonably attached to a book
A final request- if you could please also put you're name and a return address. I would like to send a personal thank you letter to every person who participates in my project- along with something I find beautiful as well. I'd like to share something in return for your help.

Finally, in August (I haven't set an exact date yet), I will present the book to James and let you know what happened.

This blog isn't made just for those few who share a bit of loveliness from their lives. It's also for those who appreciate beauty, who haven't given up on the dream, and who still have that tiny spark of wonder which hasn't faded away through the years.


Fondoffood said...

Really Really beautiful idea...i have fallen love with this concept.

Though never proposed anyone till now...

If you do come up with this i am so sure that guy would not say no (or someone has to be stupid to say no).

I am willing to help..i hope this will also make me lose some inhibitions about myself. I kind of have a liking for a girl but do not meet her frequently.

Any help required feel free to ask...

Got to know about this from couchsurfing...you can check my profile there..



Anonymous said...

Dear James' Girl,

I am an ABSOLUTE support for this and probably add something from an 'indian' point of view..truly original , Need time to think.

I have loved the originality and purity of your ways to tell him those three important words..and I simply wish you THE BEST,

If he loves himself after reading your book, he will be yours..Forver...Passionately ;)

Take Care and I write to you soon,


jitpunkia said...

omg im such a shelly stalker i end up here .. you must be katie ..or am i wrong

Surabhi said...

That's an amazing post! :) You truly are in love ;)

Jenny Souza said...

Hello, Matt told me about your project!
And I loved this!
I would like to help.

I dont know yet what to send, but I would like to send something.^^

Matt told me its not too late yet, but maybe, its already August,7. :(

Well, hope it all to work out.

Ahh and by the way, I am Jenny, from Brazil.

Um beijão!

austin goldberg said...
